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Manor Independent School District

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Summer Meals

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Free summer meals offered at Oak Meadows Elementary, Presidential Meadows Elementary, Manor Middle, New Tech High School, and Early College High School 

Manor ISD Food & Nutrition Services will kick off its 2024 summer meal program this June. Breakfast and lunch will be available for free to children under the age of 18 or any enrolled student with disabilities up to 21 years old. Children in the community can enjoy free summer meals regardless of household income and without any registration or identification. To receive a free, healthy meal, children may simply visit the cafeteria at any participating site during designated service times. Manor ISD is not permitted to provide bundled meals (breakfast + lunch), multi-day meal packs, to-go meals, weekend meals or distribute food from curbside.

 All feeding sites are closed 6-19 and 7-1 to 7-5 for 4th of July Break.

Adults may purchase breakfast for $2.75 and lunch for $4.75.

To find additional serving sites near you, visit Summer Food, call 211, or text FOODTX to 877-877.

If you have any questions about the free summer meals program, contact Manor ISD's Food & Nutrition Services department at 512-278-4080.


See our summer meal schedule and locations/Vea nuestro horario y ubicaciones de comidas de verano.