Mission Statement
The primary mission of Manor ISD Transportation Department is to provide students with safe and secure transportation to and from school in a friendly environment that enhances the total learning process.
To accomplish this mission, we will:
- Model courtesy, mutual respect, and understanding with students, parents, and our colleagues.
- Greet all who enter our environment with a smile, encouragement, and a happy attitude.
- Develop and improve communications with teachers, staff, parents, and students.
- Ensure that our buses function at the highest possible levels of safety, cleanliness, and comfort for students and drivers.
- Maintain professional conduct and appearance for both students and the public.
- Enhance the public’s perception of the Manor ISD through excellence in transportation.
- Create a culture of positive interactions to foster:
- Common vision which supports student success and learning.
- Ensuring that all students get to school in a safe and timely manner.
- Model, encourage and recognize positive attitudes and behaviors within our circle of influence to create an upward spiral of learning and growth.
Our drivers are charged with the responsibility of transporting the most valuable cargo. The school bus transportation industry has proven to be the safest mode of transportation; this is an ongoing effort and must have support from parents. It is extremely important that parents instruct students in safety procedures such as going to and from the bus stop in a safe manner, standing back (away) from traffic, and no horseplay.
Manor ISD is No Place For Hate and the school bus is no exception. The transportation department has a no-tolerance outlook on bullying. To report bullying, please call the transportation department at 512-278-4085.
Reminder to the Community
Parents/Adults are not allowed to board the school bus. Violations will be reported.
Bus Route Finder
Manor ISD Families can use the Route Finder to learn about their child's Bus Routes Pickup/Drop off times and location.
Transportation Dashboard
Check the status of Manor ISD Buses. This Dashboard will provide you with the latest status of every bus route in Manor ISD.
Contact Us
Please call 512-278-4085 to reach the Manor ISD Transportation Department.