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Manor Independent School District

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After-School Meals

In addition to breakfast and lunch, Manor ISD provides free after-school meals and/or snacks at many schools within the district. After-school meal programs at Manor ISD operate under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a USDA federally funded program that offers evening meals to qualified campuses. Meals served at Manor ISD meet the nutrition requirements established by the CACFP. 

Ater-schol programs that participate in the CACFP give children and teenagers the nutrition they need and draw them into constructive activities that are safe, fun and filled with opportunities for learning.

Campuses that are interested in participating in offering after-school meals or snacks should complete the form below and submit it to their cafeteria manager and Food & Nutrition Services Coordinator, Rebeca Lopez.  Manor ISD FNS will determine eligibility upon receiving the application and will notify the Program Coordinator before program feeding can begin.

After-School Meals Application

If you have any questions regarding after-school meals, please contact Rebeca Lopez at 512-278-4072.

For questions or concerns regarding the CACFP, please contact USDA at 1-866-873-2263 or Texas Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition at 1-800-TELL-TDA (835-5832). Together we are Building for the Future.