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Manor Independent School District

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Worker's Compensation


Any employee injured on the job in any capacity must contact his/her principal/supervisor or campus health care provider immediately. A workers’ compensation First Report of Injury must be completed the day of the injury.  The campus or department contact will document the date, time, and location of the injury through the online injury report system at  All injuries need to be reported to Human Resources, Risk Management Coordinator,                               Shayna Santiago-Molinar at  before medical treatment is received, if possible. Injury reports must be completed immediately upon the employee’s return to work, if unable to complete prior to treatment.

What is Worker's Compensation?

Workers' Compensation is a State-Regulated Insurance Program that:

  • Pays reasonable medical costs if you are injured on the job
  • May pay income benefits to replace part of the wages you lose because of an on-the-job injury
  • Pays income benefits if you have a permanent impairment from an on-the-job injury 
  • Pays death benefits to your legal beneficiaries if you are killed on the job

Workers' compensation will replace 70% or 75% of an employee's lost wages, depending on hourly rate, if the injury or illness causes the employee to lose all of his/her income for more than seven days. An employee becomes eligible for Temporary Income Benefits (TIB) on the eighth day that a work-related injury or illness causes the employee to lose all of his/her usual pay.

What to do when injured on-the-job

Due to the State of Texas requirements for punctual reporting of on-the-job injuries and work-related illnesses, it is imperative that such incidents be reported promptly and accurately.
Failure to report may result in substantial fines assessed against Manor ISD by the Texas Workers' Compensation System. ALL on-the-job injuries and/or work-related illnesses must be reported by the affected school or department to the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator by the conclusion of the next work day after the supervisor, principal, or department manager has knowledge of such illness or injury.


SECTION 1: Non-Life Threatening Injury

1.1 An employee shall report an alleged on-the-job injury to his/her supervisor by the conclusion of the shift in which the injury occurred. If a supervisor is not on duty, report alleged injury to a co-worker, then to immediate supervisor by the conclusion of the next work day.

1.2 If the injured employee requires medical treatment, call the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator. The Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator shall issue an "Authorization for Medical Treatment Form" and send the affected employee to an appropriate medical provider. If after normal work hours, call by the conclusion of the next work day.

1.3 By the conclusion of the next work day after the occurrence of an alleged on-the-job injury, the injured employee's supervisor, principal or department manager shall complete an "Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness Report" and forward it to the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator.

1.4 The injured employee's immediate supervisor shall call and notify the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator as soon as an employee starts losing time due to an alleged on-the-job injury. Follow the phone call with a written confirmation memo or email. If after normal work hours, call by the conclusion of the next work day. If during a school holiday break, see Holiday Reporting, Section 3.

1.5 Charge all absences from work due to an alleged on-the-job injury to workers' compensation leave, except for the remainder of the work shift in which the employee was injured. This time should be carried as time worked. No workers' compensation benefits will be paid without a physician's statement taking the employee off of work. Please review the attached leave election form. Leave is employee choice. Use available paid leave or specific amount of paid leave or they will not use their paid leave be docked for missed days which will affect the employee’s paycheck.

1.6 When the employee returns to work, after being off due to an alleged on-the-job injury, call and notify the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator. Follow the phone call with a written confirmation memo or email.

SECTION 2: Life Threatening Injury

2.1 As soon as an alleged life threatening on-the-job injury has occurred, the injured employee's co- worker or supervisor should contact the following people in the order listed below:

1st Call: Ambulance (only if one is needed)

2nd Call: Injured employee's immediate supervisor (if not already at the scene of the accident).

3rd Call: Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator (if after normal work hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Friday, then call by the conclusion of the next work day.)
2.2 After the employee has been taken or sent for appropriate medical treatment, the supervisor should investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident. If there were witnesses to the accident, get their statements.

2.3 By the conclusion of the next work day after the occurrence of an alleged on-the-job injury, the injured employee's supervisor shall complete an "Employer's First Report of Injury or Illness Report" and forward it to the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator.

2.4 The injured employee's immediate supervisor shall call and notify the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator as soon as an employee starts losing time due to an alleged on-the-job injury. (Follow the phone call with a written confirmation memo or email.) If after normal work hours, call by the conclusion of the next work day. If during a school holiday break, see Holiday Reporting, Section 3.

2.5 Charge all absences from work due to an alleged on-the-job injury to workers' compensation leave, except for the remainder of the work shift in which the employee was injured. This time should be carried as time worked. Workers' compensation benefits will not be paid without the appropriate treating physician's statement formally taking the employee off of work. Please review the attached leave election form. Leave is employee choice. Use available paid leave or specific amount of paid leave or they will not use their paid leave be docked for missed days which will affect the employee’s paycheck.

2.6 When the employee returns to work after being off due to an alleged on-the-job injury, call and notify the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator. Follow up the phone call with a written confirmation memo or email. The DWC 73 Texas Worker’s Compensation Work Status Report must be provided to the Risk Management Coordinator by the employee’s physician.

SECTION 3: Holiday Reporting

3.1 If an injured employee loses two or more work days due to an on-the-job injury, the employee's immediate supervisor should contact the Manor ISD Risk Management Coordinator.

Please note, if the Risk Management Coordinator is unavailable, the supervisor should contact Manor ISD's risk management carrier, TASB Risk Management Fund, and notify Manor ISD's Claims Examiner at 1-800-482-7272. It is preferred for the supervisor to contact the Risk Management Coordinator.