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Manor Independent School District

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Employee Assistance Program

Alliance Work Partners (AWP) serves as the employee assistance program for MISD employees. This is a free and confidential benefit that is designed to help employees manage their quality of life. AWP supports employees and their family members by promoting wellness both physically and emotionally with individual assessment; solution–focused, evi­dence based counseling; training and referral services.

Manor Independent School District has many exciting benefits, including:

  • 1-6 counseling sessions per employee, per problem per year
  • Law Access (includes legal and financial resources)
  • HelpNet (skill builders, online resources and assessments)
  • WorkLife Standard (telephonic resources and referrals)
  • Safe Ride

To create an online account go to Alliance Work Partners and select “Access Your Benefits”

First Time Log-in use registration Code: AWP-MANORISD-3426

Employee Assistance Program Flyer (English)

Employee Assistance Program Flyer (Spanish)

Alliance Work Partners Orientation