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Manor Independent School District

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PreK Enrollment Information

About Kinder and PreK Registration

Pre-K Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is happening now.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is happening now and will run continuously thereafter. Parents can complete the online enrollment application and upload all required documents to the online portal. If you are unable to upload any documents, in-person drop-off of documents can be set up by appointment only. To set up an appointment, or for any Pre-K enrollment-related questions, please contact the campus registrar.

Registration Information and Account Creation: Enrollment Portal

Pre-K 4 Registration and Qualifications

Four-Year-Olds Qualifications (Age 4 on or before September 1, 2024): 

Children can attend Manor ISD Pre-K 4 free of charge.

To qualify for free Pre-K 4, a child must meet at least ONE of the following requirements:

Required Documents to Upload:

**To meet the language assessment requirement, students must be present for a language assessment by appointment.

  • The child is eligible to take part in the national free or reduced-price school lunch program.
  • The child is unable to speak and comprehend the English language (language assessment required)
  • The child is homeless
  • The child is a dependent of an active duty member of the U.S. armed forces.
  • The child is or has been in foster care
  • A parent is a recipient of the Star of Texas Award 
  • Original, certified birth certificate
  • Immunization record
  • Social security card (optional)
  • Proof of address (utility bill or lease contract)
  • Parent/guardian’s photo ID
  • Proof of income for all working members of the household (for the last 30 days) OR a SNAP/TANF statement
  • Military ID (if applicable)
  • Court papers indicating conservatorship or foster child placement (if applicable)

Three-Year-Old Qualifications (Must qualify through Child Inc. - Head Start Program prior to qualifying for PreK3):

Manor ISD does not accept all 3-year-olds. Space is limited and children must qualify through the Child Inc. - Head Start program prior to qualifying for PreK3.

**(Tuition-based admission not offered for PK3)

Please call Diane Russell, Child Inc. Family Advocate at (512) 514 - 3111 to begin your application process.

Three-Year-Old Qualification 

Pre-K for three-year-olds will be offered at the Blake Manor Elementary, Decker Elementary, and Oak Meadows Elementary, provided they qualify for headshart and also the PreK program.

  • Children are three as of September 1, 2024
  • Family resides in Travis county
  • Family income is below poverty guidelines (calculated by Child Inc - Head Start)
  • Child is in foster care
  • Child is homeless

Required Documents for Child Inc - Head Start:

  • Original, certified birth certificate
  • Proof of address (light, gas, or water bill)
  • 2023 Income tax with W2
  • Proof of income (Previous 12 months of pay stubs)
  • Child Support (if applicable)
  • Current recipient TANF letter and current recipient SSI letter (if applicable)
  • Letter from employers (form available)
  • Social security benefits (if applicable)
  • Immunization record, including last physical and dental exam
  • Parent/guardian's photo ID
  • Medicaid/CHIP/Private insurance card
  • SNAP grant letter (current)
  • Three emergency contacts (name, address, and phone numbers)

**All documents for Pre-K 3 must be scanned and emailed directly to Diane Russell

After qualification for the Child Inc - Head Start program is completed, the family must then follow up with the separate enrollment process for the campus they will be attending and provide all required documents. Enrollment Portal

PreK FAQ's

What is the process for enrolling my child in PreK? And who can enroll?

Families may register their child through the Manor ISD online portal. This portal is accessed through the Enrollment page. Registration for PreK is happening now. If your child turns four on or before September 1,  they are eligible to apply for Pre-K 4. Families must meet certain criteria to qualify for free PreK. Otherwise, Manor ISD does not provide a tuition-based Pre-K 4 program. You will need to upload all required documents during your online registration process! Manor ISD does not offer Pre-K 3 for all children who turn three-years-old on or before September 1, families must first be approved through Child Inc / Head Start prior to the application process. This program is first come, first serve; to begin this process please contact Diane Russell at (512) 514-3111.

For more information regarding eligibility for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 please visit the  Enrollment page

Can you explain how transportation will work?

 PreK 4 students will have the opportunity to ride a bus to their campus. Parents will also have the opportunity to drop off and pick up their child off directly at their campus. Manor ISD does not provide transportation for Pre-K 3 students.