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Manor Independent School District

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Public Information & Open Records Requests


For Public Information and Open Records Requests - Send all requests to


Texas Government Code 552.002(a) defines “public information” as information that is written, produced, collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by a governmental body, or for a governmental body if the government body owns the information or has a right of access to it.

Public information may be requested from Manor ISD. It is important to note that governmental entities are not required to respond to questions via the Texas Public Information Act; however, if available, records that would provide the answers to posed questions will be provided if not excepted from release via statute.

Due to the volume of requests received, Manor ISD’s Open Records department has a typical turnaround time of ten business days. In the event processing of your request will take longer than ten business days, Open Records will notify you of the projected time frame for completion.

The Texas Public Information Act allows a governmental body to recover costs relating to reproducing public information. Additionally, a request for copies that results in more than fifty pages may be assessed charges for labor, overhead, and materials. If the estimated charges will exceed $40.00, you will receive an itemized statement of estimated charges before any work is undertaken. More information about costs can be found here.

If the information you have requested may be confidential pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, Manor ISD’s Open Records department must:

Seek an attorney general decision within ten business days of its receipt of your request stating the exceptions to disclosure that it believes are applicable and send you a copy of its letter to the attorney general requesting a decision within ten business days.

Send the attorney general its arguments for withholding the information you requested and copies of the information you have requested within fifteen business days of receiving your request. You are entitled to receive this notice; however, if the letter to the attorney general contains the substance of the information requested, you may receive a redacted copy of the letter.

Non-Business Days For Public Information Act 
By law, the Manor ISD  Board of Trustees designates up to 10 non-business days do not count towards the Public Information Act nor the completion of PIA-related requests. 
For 2024 those days are: 

  • October 14 - 18
  • November 25 - 27
  • December 23 and 27

How to Request Public Information

Your request must be in writing and addressed to Open Records. Only written requests trigger a governmental body’s obligations under the Public Information Act. Requests made by facsimile or electronic mail must be addressed to Open Records in order to trigger an obligation under the Texas Public Information Act.

  • Provide your full name and contact information including email/or fax (if available).
  • Provide a detailed, precise description of the nature and scope of information you are seeking.
  • Requests should be for documents or other information that is already in existence.


For Public Information and Open Records Requests - Send all requests to