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Manor Independent School District

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Skyward Family Access


Login to skyward family access

Family Access is the "Parent/Family" and "Student" portal for the Student Information System used at Manor ISD. This secure portal will provide real-time information such as your child's student demographics, attendance, schedule, grades, discipline, health, or any other information that a parent or guardian may find helpful to monitor and participate in your child’s education. Upon enrollment and approval of a student profile, a Family Access account will be created for the parent/guardian and student. Please note that if there are more than one guardians on the Family Access account, both will have view access but only the first one listed will have editing rights.

We hold every child’s education in the highest regard and we believe that a parent’s right to know is just as critical. Access to the information is intended to be a tool which will enable you to keep informed of your child's progress.

Family Access users can also contact the campus to receive assistance with account and login issues.