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Manor Independent School District

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Research Application Process

Primary research (also known as field research) is defined as the collection of original data for analysis aimed at discovering new facts and their correct interpretation to draw conclusions, including for program evaluation purposes. Primary research includes various evaluation, measurement and inquiry activities that fall into two categories:

  • Qualitative research activities include but are not limited to participant observations, interviews, focus groups, and ethnographies.
  • Quantitative research activities include, but are not limited to, controlled experiments, collecting survey and questionnaire data, and product testing.


The Research Review Board (RRB) acts on behalf of the Superintendent to review primary research proposed by internal, external, and board contracted researchers. The RRB is comprised of member(s) from Manor ISD who are meant to provide researchers with a clear understanding of the types of research encouraged within Manor ISD and procedures for submitting a research proposal for review. After reviewing the guidelines, please complete the Manor ISD Research Application Form.

There is no right to access Manor ISD students, staff, school facilities or data for research purposes. Access may be granted when determined to be in the best interests of the district. If access is granted, a researcher may only access schools, students, staff, school facilities and data relevant to the research as approved by the RRB.

The RRB meets to evaluate proposals to conduct research. Decisions resulting from the research review process will be emailed to the requestor, as well as to appropriate MISD staff.  External researchers may not begin any research activities or obtain data for research purposes without first following the procedures outlined and securing the necessary approvals.

Principles/Criteria for Review

  • The proposed research must directly provide educational value to the Manor ISD or the Board of Education or to the field of education generally.
  • The proposed research addresses an identified research priority of the district and does not duplicate research already occurring in the district.
  • The proposed research should not intrude upon instructional time or disrupt the educational process.
  • The proposed research must manifest a sound research methodology using valid and reliable techniques.
  • The proposed research must document that the researcher or organization has the capacity and experience to successfully complete the project.
  • The proposed research must protect the privacy of students and staff and ensure compliance with state and federal laws as well as Manor ISD board policy. The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is based on the premise that information about an individual student is private and confidential and generally may only be accessed with parental consent.

Research Guidelines

Participation in studies must be voluntary, and participants must be informed that they may discontinue participation at any time, and for any reason. For students, we require active, documented informed parental consent. In addition, we require student assent for children ages seven and older.

No changes in scope (e.g., time frame of study, number of schools included, number of participants, etc.), procedure, or instrumentation may be made without authorization once a letter of approval has been issued. Requests for amendments must be made directly to the Chair of the Research Review Committee before the proposed changes are enacted.

All state and federal laws must be observed, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).

All persons having one or more contacts with one or more students must provide documentation of a background check.

The Principal Investigator or Researcher will notify the Chair of the Research Review Committee should any adverse event(s) occur.

Data agreements between the Principal Investigator or Researcher and the District must be entered into for any case where data is requested from the District. Data received from the District may only be used for approved research and evaluation studies. Use or transfer of the data to another entity will be in violation of District policy and FERPA regulations.

The Principal Investigator/Researcher affiliated with the research must notify the District, in writing, about the intent to submit reports or articles for publication or conference presentations. One electronic copy of the final report must be furnished for the files of Manor ISD.

Research Submission Information

The Request Form for Research Projects (found below) must be completed. A $50 processing fee and any supporting documents should be mailed to:

Manor ISD Research 
Attention: Darrell Baty 
10335 US Hwy 290 East
Manor, TX 78653

Please know that partial applications will not be considered complete until receipt of all components of your submission. If you have questions, please email Darrell Baty.