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Manor Independent School District

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Virtual Workshops

 Beta Psi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® | Serving all  mankind in Austin since 1938. - Home

Have you applied for your FAFSA yet? No worries we got you covered.

#CAP will be hosting a virtual webinar "Amplify and Apply, #FAFSA!"

This discussion will highlight the application process to get your

FAFSA done for the 2020-2021 school year.


All High school juniors, seniors and parents are welcomed to join and we would love to have Manor High School students present! We are looking for the most represented school, bring 10 and your students will receive a two hour session with 101 FAFSA and Scholarship application completion time with our #CAP Committee representatives. 

Let's Talk About #FAFSA are you ready because we are!

Register today, for your next steps to your success!Meeting banner

Virtual Workshop

Virtual Workshop