MISD Parent Involvement Policy
Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy Manor ISD welcomes the participation of parents in support of student learning and recognizes that parental involvement increases the opportunities for student success.
It is the policy of Manor ISD to foster and maintain ongoing communications with parents concerning their opportunities for involvement, their children’s educational progress, the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers, and the status of their children’s schools. Communications with parents shall, at all times, respect the privacy of the students and their families. • Manor ISD will coordinate parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. • Manor ISD will integrate parental involvement activities with other programs such as but not limited to: Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education, Bilingual Education, Response to Interventions, Early Childhood, Mentors, After-school programs and Counseling.
• Manor ISD will conduct surveys to monitor and evaluate parent involvement activities and barriers to participation. The survey results will be used for improvement.
• Manor ISD will involve parents in the joint development of its district wide parent involvement plan.
• Manor ISD will encourage parent participation in district and school decision-making committees such as the District Advisory Team, Campus Advisory Team, Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), Parent & Teacher Associations (PTA), Booster Clubs and encourage parent participation through volunteerism.
• Manor ISD will educate its teachers and counselors, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and how to build partnerships between parents, schools and the community.
• Manor ISD will communicate with families concerning the following:
o The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
o The Texas STAAR scores, tests and passing rates
o Parent and School Compacts
o How to monitor student progress and attendance
o How to work with educators.
The District Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly and agreed on with parents of the children attending our schools and directors of various Manor ISD departments, and community members.